Wednesday, January 10, 2007


He sat in the corner of a blue tiled toilet
The toilet was dry and quiet as hell
He sat there, drowning in his thoughts
Whispering to people, hoping they could hear his calls
His eyes scanned the toilet, concentrating on the details of the tiles
His vision started distorting and what seemed to be wasn't
All of the sudden, he heard a familar tune coming from the outside
It was a Lullaby...
And he felt like he was one with the music.
It was amazing
He felt afraid and closed his eyes
Clutching his fists, grinding his teeth
He was afraid that Spiderman would have him for dinner
Have him for dinner, sprinkling salt on him, that very night.
The whispers of Robert Smith filled his mind
He felt what the Lullaby wanted him to feel
It was amazing...

Ozzy whispered and calmed him down.
The Anti-Christ Superstar wasn't there
Though he wanted him so bad to be.

He stood up and went to lay on the bed
He stared at the ceiling, with cold sweat running down his forehead
A tune which was unfamilar to him came on
With guitar riffs and crashes of the drum
It blew him away, totally.
He became one with the music once again.
He was the croons and the screams of the vocalist in physical form.
He felt like the clutches of death were strangling him... So very tightly.
Breathing became harder and harder...
He was falling deeper and deeper...
Till the song suddenly stopped.

He awoke and broke free from the agony he was in.

It was his mates.
They asked if he was okay
They told him he looked like he was taking his last breath
They told him he looked like he was dying.

Maybe, just maybe he was.
He felt like he was.
Though ever so miserable, it was amazing.

Being able to feel and understand



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