Sunday, March 30, 2008

New Blog

Date with the Rain

This blog would still be in use to house my works and stuff of that nature. The other one is more for random thoughts and rants.


Saturday, March 22, 2008


Video by SUPERFLY PRODUCTIONS (Tosh, Ben, Lewis, Carrick, Nicholas)

Saturday, March 01, 2008


The story of us ended way faster than I thought
Everything just stopped flowin' like a blood clot
I'm not a good actor and I never liked frontin'
But I'm forced to hypocrisy 'cos of shit I be losin'
So for ya information, way too much is at stake
Thats why I left before the beef got cooked like steak
Now put yourself in my shoes & ask yourself this question
Would you hold back like I did after knowing what happened?
I'm sure ya wouldn't, I know ya too well, now listen
I could give a fuck less and then my fist you be kissin'
Forget about forgiveness, I can't forgive nor forget
I lived 2 years a lie and wish you live with regret
You're a motherfuckin' coward, liar, talkin' piece of trash
Betrayed your own blood for the pleasures of the flesh
Screw this bullshit, I'm fuckin' sick & tired
Remember - It ain't over, I'm just keepin' quiet.